Hello guys,

I quickly went through the packaging, and had some comments about it:
(I didn't carefully read your previous discussion and I have no
permission to upload)

* debian/changelog:
  currently Debian is still in the deep freeze stage, I'd recommend
you upload to experimental
  first. Besides, experimental is more fault-tolerant.

* chapel-doc.install:
  you may want to provide some room for users to install several
versions of chapel at the
  same time, but I'd recommend the way similar to gcc/llvm packaging does.
  you may want to install stuff like this:
  but this should be better:
  for example:

* control:
  * Vcs-* fields are your *packaging repo* instead of upstream git repo.
  * python2.7: since python policy recommends python3 for new
packages, could you please
    also provide a python3 version if upstream supports it?

* rules:
  * dh compat 10 has parallel build as default, you can optionally
bump compat to 10. Before
    you are really about to do that, check debhelper(7) first for the
checklist from v9->v10.
  * it seems that util/quickstart/setchplenv.bash is just exporting
some environt variables
    for the use of buildsystem. exporting these variables in rules
instead of sourcing with
    bash should be better, and in this way you can gain more control
from rules, including
    the CHPL_LLVM flag which seems to be a key of one of your TODO.

This chapel 1.15 package was succesfully built on my laptop and a
simple helloworld
example is working.


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