Hello Nicholas,

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 07:33:12PM -0400, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> Would it be better to ship README.org and file a bug against the
> package myself?

Yes.  Why not ship README.org in the interim?

> I still don't have a plan for Policy 12.4, and am currently wondering
> if further conversion of README.html to README using html2txt (if
> pandoc cannot do this) would be best, because the expectation is that
> the upstream README found in /usr/share/doc is a plain text file.

I don't think Policy 12.4 really applies to READMEs.  It says "extensive
documentation", and a README is not extensive documentation.

Policy 12.4 is basically saying "ship HTML instead of PDF".

> So this?:
> - Copyright: 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> -            2014-2016 Artur Malabarba <em...@endlessparentheses.com>
> +Copyright: 2014-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> + <this line actually gets deleted>


> > - your rationale for uploading to experimental applies to
> > smart-mode-line, but why not upload rich-minority to unstable?  Is
> > it similarly untested?  Maybe we should just wait a few weeks.
> If you'd prefer I'd be happy to wait a few weeks.  In terms of
> worst-case scenario planning: If for some reason smart-mode-line
> upstream didn't add emacs26 compatibility in time for Buster's freeze,
> and I (or someone from pkg-emacsen) didn't have time to add it, then
> should rich-minority still be part of Buster?

It would depend on whether a user of buster gets emacs25 or emacs26 if
they type "apt-get install emacs".

> How many lines can I dedicate to this?  By my count I need to
> summarise the following in five lines, and the most salient additions
> are the mention of diminish.el, plus compare/contrast by adding what I
> suspect are the two most salient points.
>   * "/missing/...quick and simple replacement functionality"
>   * the addition of "It accepts *regexps* instead of [individual 
> specifications]".

Where are you getting this line limit from?

> These two points seem contradictory to me.  Do you know how
> diminish.el is more quick and simple?  Also, can I use your answer for
> a patch against the upstream description, because I might not be the
> only one who's not confused about this.  Failing that, I can open an
> upstream issue/request for clarified description.

diminish.el works like this:

    (diminish 'auto-fill-function)

That's it.  Clearly simpler.

Sean Whitton

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