On 2017年06月17日 15:48, Lumin wrote:
> Hi,
> On 16 June 2017 at 04:33, Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) <paul...@debian.org> wrote:
>> I've reviewed your package. The package looks quite good to me.
>> The only thing missing is the README.source
>> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-readmesource
> Updated the package and uploaded to mentors.
> https://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/g/gemmlowp/gemmlowp_0~20170609-g36ffd29-1.dsc
>> The orig.tar.gz seems to be repacked from upstream git repo.
>> Please mention the steps on how you create the orig.tar.gz
>> Like you git clone it. And re-tar it, exclude some directories like .git.
> The orig.tar.gz file is created manually with this command
>   git archive HASH | gzip > xxx.orig.tar.gz
>> Or, provide a way to generate the orig.tar.gz by debian/rules
>> get-orig-source
> Thank you for this snippet, I found many rules file ships such a part
> in its rules file, but it will occupy half of the rules file if I put it in.
> I described how to make the orig.tar.gz file in README.Source.
> Is this acceptable?
> BTW, concerining TensorFlow:
> gemmlowp is likely the last dependency package to be uploaded.
> TensorFlow upstream has cmake build scripts, but those scripts
> will download many other dependency source packages and
> compile them instead of using the pre-compiled ones provided
> by distribution. There is a feature request about this in the
> upstream issue list which is still open.

Hi Lumin,

Just a few things left.

1. It is called README.source not README.Source
  The 's' should be in lower case.

2. I found that the copyright holder should have
 "Silk Labs Inc." in AUTHORS file.
And also some of the header files show that the copyright holder are
"2015 The Gemmlowp Authors"
Please also add these to debian/copyright.

For tensorflow, if possible, we can just patch the cmake file by quilt
and let it built against the libraries in system. I'll try to make a
patch. Or perhaps you can tell me where the feature request is and I'll
see if I can help.

Yours Sincerely,

                                PaulLiu (劉穎駿)
E-mail: Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) <paul...@debian.org>

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