
I did review the package, here are my comments

- i did compare usbguard-0.7.0 tag from upstream github with
 upstream/0.7.0+ds1 from your repo

- Why did you remove NOTES.md, doc/usbguard-vs-udev.md,  and ROADMAP.md?, they 
look useful.

- in your git repo there should be a tags with the debian releases, i only
 see upstream/XXX tags. please push, and sign, tags to your repo.

- why m4/* files haven't been updated since release 0.5, upstream no
 longer ship those files. Why keep shipping it? i can build
 successfully against stretch, with or without them.

- why src/GUI.qt/ is deleted?

- i'm glad you deleted the 3rd party code :)

- please import upstream tags on your git repo, that makes more easy for
 others to review (and hopefully send patches)

I was going to upload but the perl breakage make build the package
impossible giving us a few more days to finish above'


On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 09:38:58PM +0200, Muri Nicanor wrote:

On 07/16/2017 05:28 PM, gustavo panizzo wrote:
but i've removed those files from the archive for now, patched the
relevant testscripts and created a bug report to create the testdata
from source [0]
cool, excelent
please add a target gen-orig-xz (or gz, or bz2) to d/rules to generate
the source from upstream source.
done in git


- You have a d/gbp.conf but not Vcs-* headers on d/control
 would be cool if you publish your git packaging, and documented it on

please push tags to you repo so i can compare between your tags and
upstream tags

the package fails to build with sbuild
it works here *if* i stop the usbguard-daemon on the system i'm building
the package. one of the tests tries to start a usbguard daemon which
fails if there is already a daemon running

please do the d/rules targe and/or the tag in the repo so i have a way
to validate the source you are providing before upload. i don't see
anything else
missing in the package :)


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