On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 02:55:57PM -0600, Stephen Dennis wrote:
> Ah. missed the compat level because I changed the it to version 10 in the
> debian/control file. Next upload will have debian/compat of 10, and
> debian/control has "Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10.0.0), binutils (>=
> 2.28.0), autotools-dev (>= 20161112.1)"
Are you sure you need autotools-dev?
By the way, binutils (>= 2.28.0) is wrong, as 2.28-1 is not >= 2.28.0.

> So now to talk about the dpkg-shlibdeps warnings. The Debian package
> installs the binaries (libmux.so and others)
> under usr/lib/tinymux/game/bin, and then for a specific game, one runs
> tinymux-install script to install a symbolic link into the current
> directory. The install scripts creates a minimal game tree from which to
> start a game. So, the server itself never runs directly from the
> /usr/lib/tinymux/game/bin directory. That's why it works despite these
> warnings.
That doesn't matter, as the libs are not searched for in the current
dir/the dir of the dependent binary.

> But, I agree that suppressing or fixing these warning is a good thing
> except that nothing I Google and no man pages I read describe how to
> actually go about doing this. 
"It tells dpkg-shlibdeps (via its -l parameter), to look for private
package libraries in the specified directory"

> dh_makeshlibs does run but it isn't picking
> up the location where libmux.so is placed. The man page for dh_shlibdeps
> describes this exact scenario and suggests to run dh_makeshlibs first as
> the obvious solution, but that is already happening and it doesn't work.
No, it describes a scenario with a public shared lib in a separate
package. Your problem is caused by a private shared lib in a private path.

> Solutions point to using override_dh_shlibdeps, but then, I need to pass it
> all the right arguments and I think the problem is really dh_makeshlibs.
I don't think so.


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