On Sat, 2017-09-09 at 20:19 +0500, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 09, 2017 at 03:33:08PM +0100, Phil Wyett wrote:
> > This bug was closed due to the fact that my good upload was superseded by
> > another uploader and my files removed. It will be redone when I have the
> > cooperation of the other mentors uploader.
> The cooperation should have started at someone filing an ITP and another
> one seeing that ITP, that's why we need ITPs for...
> > I have emailed the person concerned and asked that I get the package back
> > into
> > debian and they learn from this, how to work with upstream and debian alike.
> Looks like you need to learn something too.
> > This package was removed from debian and any historical maintainer is AWOL
> > and
> > not an issue in my eyes. This is a fresh start from upstream and what is
> > reflected in the current changelog is from the upstream developer.
> Please read https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/ch05.en.ht
> ml#reintroducing-pkgs
> You are expected to file an ITP and of course a NMU in this case can't
> happen.
> > I may adopt the package at a later date when accepted into debian, but
> > waiting
> > for debian to react is tiresome - releases team and mentors/sponsors.
> If that means you intend to upload a package yet not be its maintainer
> then that's now how things should be done.


Not seeing an ITP, I assumed I could file and move forward. Won't make that
mistake again. The other party and I have conversed and will work closer
together and not have work crossover.

As per reintroduction docs. I do not believe working from the archives last
version is suitable. So, I will work from upstream for submission for fresh
inclusion. If this gets rejected, fair enough.

Next submission of this package will be me also asking to adopt/maintain the
package. I will also add X-Debbugs-CC to debian-devel, which I failed to do in
the last submission.



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