hi mentors,

please cc me on reply.

i'm trying to upload usbguard_0.7.0+ds1-2 to mentors, but it gets rejected:

> Rejecting incomplete upload. You did not upload
> usbguard_0.7.0+ds1.orig.tar.gz and we didn't find it on any of our
> alternative resources.
> If you tried to upload a package which only increased the Debian
> revision part, make sure you include the full source (pass -sa to
> dpkg-buildpackage)

i'm using git-buildpackage, i wasn't able to find a way to find out what
-sa would do to dpkg-buildpackge (the mangpage mentions -sa, but without
explanation). usbguard_0.7.0+ds1.orig.tar.gz is on [0].

any help is apprechiated,


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