On Fri, 06 Oct 2017, Breno Leitao wrote:

>I am just doing a final review for the sponsor, and I found something
>that annoys every developer, it seems that pragha does not re-builds
>after an initial build.
>It builds fine for the very first time, but if you try to re-build, the
>directory stays dirty and does not allow the package to be rebuilt:
>This is what I tried:
>$ get -x
>$ cd pragha-1.3.3 
>$ debuild ; debuild
>You are going to see something like:
>       dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to po/bg.gmo: binary file 
> contents changed
>       dpkg-source: error: add po/bg.gmo in debian/source/include-binaries if 
> you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
>This means that your clean rules is not cleaning everything that was
>generated during the build process.

Thanks for taking the time to write these steps.  I can easily reproduce
this on my machine.

I'll prepare a new version with that fixed.

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