Hello Lazarus, pleased to meet you.

I attempted to get in touch with you over the summer, but
unfortunately only got bounces from bigfoot.com.

On 29 October 2017 at 22:57, mentors.debian.net
<supp...@mentors.debian.net> wrote:
> Lazarus Long made the following comment about the sqldeveloper-package 
> package:
> Not sure what happened, but although I uploaded this package, it went under 
> Phil's name.
> I'm guessing it's an interface bug, and not a problem. If I'm wrong please 
> advise.

I currently have an upload prepared for stretch-pu:
https://bugs.debian.org/879850 I'm also guessing from the URL
structure that there can be only one (first come, first served)
uploader on mentors.debian.net per package but since your version was
correctly signed, it was added to the existing page. If you like, I'm
happy to reverse that by deleting the package page and re-uploading
after you, just let me know.

As for v0.4.2, thanks for fixing the outstanding bugs, I was only
interested in getting it working on stretch and unfortunately I'm not
at work today, so can't test the .deb. I did have to use dget
--allow-unauthenticated on your .dsc otherwise dscverify complained
about the signature, but gpg --verify did not. Hmm, dget-ing my own
upload had the same issue - do I need to explicitly specify the
keyring somehow, or is the 1024 bit key causing issues with gpg

In the changelog, please include my nmu entry verbatim (as it has
reached unstable and instead of ack in 0.4.0), so bugs.debian.org
correctly shows the graph for #868673. I don't know if the deb9u1
changelog entry also needs including, I've never done a stable update
before. I also thought the changelog should only contain versions
actually uploaded to unstable, rather than UNRELEASED ones, but that
might just be the behaviour of git-buildpackage.

As the package is debian native, does the VCS need to point to alioth?
I know it's fine for there to be a mirror, accept contributions, or
for the upstream to be on a non-free service, but I thought all the
debian packaging needed to be DFSG hosted.

Phil Morrell (emorrp1)

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