
On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 02:00:00AM +0900, Roger Shimizu wrote:
Dear mentors list,

I maintain a proxy application, shadowsocks-libev.
I want to let it pass debian ci test. And I already confirm the test
all passed on my local environment, and debomatic [0].
However it failed on debian ci infrastructure [1].

[1] https://ci.debian.net/packages/s/shadowsocks-libev/unstable/amd64/

For local test, it just need the commands below:

$ sudo apt install shadowsocks-libev curl dnsutils
$ git clone https://anonscm.debian.org/git/collab-maint/shadowsocks-libev.git
$ cd shadowsocks-libev
$ ./tests/test.sh

The last test.sh script invokes the test, which creates local proxy
listen to, and then it calls curl command to get index
page of google via local proxy,

My local test shows all pass, while debian ci test [1] shows a
connection timeout message.
So I'm wondering whether debian ci support network activity, and how
can I configure the test to get it passed.

I'd suggest to install apache as part of the tests and connect to
localhost:80, that way it always works even if ci.debian.net moves to
China or google goes down

to test python-openstackclient; MySQL, RabbitMQ, Apache and others are
installed, I haven't check its tests in a while but happy to help you

Thank you!
Roger Shimizu, GMT +9 Tokyo
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