Hello Ben,

On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 7:51 PM, Ben Finney <bign...@debian.org> wrote:
> Elías Alejandro <eal...@gmail.com> writes:
>> W: uget: desktop-command-not-in-package
>> usr/share/applications/uget-gtk.desktop env
>> I've checked the file "uget-gtk.desktop" (created by the upstream) and
>> there's a line:
>> "Exec=env GDK_BACKEND=x11 uget-gtk %u"
> In your opinion, is there a better way to do this? Can the ‘Exec’ value
> be re-written so it detects correctly as a command provided by the
> package?
I think so. I've found some patches to face with Wayland and X11.

>> I was thinking solve this issue with an override lintian file:
>> uget.lintian-overrides
>> but I still get this warning.
> You will need to show the content of that file before we can say what
> might be wrong with it.
ok. I've just found my mistake. It was related with the format.

>> Do you have experience with this issue? Maybe override it can be a bad
>> option?
> Maybe; with your knowledge as a maintainer of that package, you might
> find a more suitable change that upstream can use.
you are right. Thanks.

>> Please cc'me.
> Please subscribe to this forum, in order to participate more smoothly.

Thanks for your time.

Best regards.
Elías Alejandro

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