On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 02:43:51PM -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
> Hello,
> On Mon, Feb 26 2018, Alberto Luaces wrote:
> > I have refreshed those fields.  I have not still refreshed the
> > changelog date in order to wait for more potential changes.
> Thanks for fixing this.
> I'm not in a position to properly review this package, unfortunately.
> Sorry for suggesting in a previous mail that I was planning on doing
> that.  Just wanted to get the Vcs-* fields fixed.
> -- 
> Sean Whitton

Hi Alberto,

Welcome to the team, and thank you for packaging company-irony!  I
consider it a valuable addition to the archive :-)  The following
might be something you already know, but if not, here's a neat trick:

Make your changes, and then while in emacs, M-x magit-status, then d u
(diff unstaged).  Stage the changes that are part of one logical
operation with C-<SPC>, select region, then s (or just s on a hunk to
stage the whole hunk).  Finally c c (commit staged), write your commit
message, and finally C-c C-c.  Later you can use gbp dch -a [-N
$upstream_version-$debian_revision, if necessary] to generate a nice changelog.

Hi Sean and David,

I'm willing to do reviews, and want to encourage best practises and our
team's high standards.  Please feel free to comment.

  Author's email is directly underneath Copyright in
  company-irony.el's header.  I would either Add it to the Copyright:
  for the 'Files: *' section, or add an Upstream-Contact field. (
  ) Sean, what's your best practices stance on this?  I'm guessing

  gbp:info: Tarballs 'company-irony_1.1.0.orig.tar.xz' not found
  gbp:warning: Pristine-tar branch "pristine-tar" not found
  gbp:info: Creating
  gbp:error: v1.1.0 is not a valid treeish

  Alberto, if you're using pristine-tar you need to push the branch;
  alternatively, if you got upstream source from git and are not using
  pristine-tar you need to push the upstream tag to our repo and also
  modify gbp.conf to indicate you're not using pristine-tar.  Also,
  for future reference, if you choose the git-only workflow you'll
  need to push each new upstream version tag as you update the

  Missing, please add one.  Between the one for irony-mode (watch
  version 3, Guillaume is also the upstream for this one) and
  fountain-mode (version 4) you should be able to figure out how to
  produce a working v4 one ;-)  The only reason I mention
  fountain-mode is because it's the one I've checked most recently.

I'll do a more in depth review in the next round.


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