Saw this mail too late, sorry for this

On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 12:20:52AM +0100, Gard Spreemann wrote:
> On Wednesday 7 March 2018 20:10:29 CET Tobias Frost wrote:


> >   - many versioned build dependencies are already satisfied since
> > oldstable. As thus those old version constraint can be removed,
> > especially as this is a new package.
> Is this discouraged? If the information is correct, couldn't it
> theoretically be useful info for someone building from source on an
> old system? I'm fine with removing them if you prefer.

Yes, we try to keep them tidy. And backporting so much time back is
not supported and will unlikely work out of the box anyway... (e.g they
would have a really old debhelper)

> > - d/compat newest compat is now at 11
> Fixed.
> Thanks again.
>  -- Gard

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