> Hi Carlos,

Hi Tobias, how are you? :)

> Some general remarks: Please do not open new RFS bugs for new versions
> of your package if the previous one has not been sponsored.
> Reopen the bug, retitle it appropiatly and send the RFS to the old bug
> please. (that this is something I've told you already earlier.)

I apologize again for my idiocy in mentors.d.n. :(

It will not be repeated in the next uploads.

> Now let's review cavestory-nx:

> Debian-Packaging:
> - There is a wrapper script in /usr/share/games calling
>   /usr/share/games/cavestory-nx which is a symlink to
> ../../../lib/games/cavestory-nx/cavestory-nx
>   This feels quite wrong...

Removed the script and symbolic link from Debian-Packaging.

> - Can't the executable not installed to /usr/share/games/ directly?

Fixed the installed executable for /usr/share/games.

> - as you're upstream, please include the manpage also there, so that
>   other distributions will benefit from it more easily.

Moved manpage to directory "data".

> - you can also use the file d/clean for cleaning, sparing you of the
>   override of dh_auto_clean.

I made changes to file deletion in d/rules.

> - There seems to bean embedded code copy of nlohmann-json.
> - That means also that your d/copyright is incomplete.
>   Please make sure to go over _every_ file to ensure that d/copyright
>   is accurate. There are tools like licensecheck or license-reconsile
>   to aid you with this.

Added the JSON license in d/copyright. Thanks for the sugestion. :D

> Others / ITP related / Project related. 
> - there is a Readme.txt on the game assests stating that this is free
>   software but there is no license text attached. As "free" is ambiguous,
>   Can you please elaborate the source where you've got the data from?
>   I've only found some data file at the original authors website, but it
>   is lacking this Readme.txt. (I can't find the rationale why you say it
>   is Public Domain)

I added this readme.txt where copied the license comments in the official forum
of the game.

If there is no need to document this, I will remove it from the 'data' directory
and d/copyright.

> - as you've seem have to forked from nxegine-evo [1], can you go a bit
>   into the reasons of your fork. As far as I can see the changes are
>   minor, to the level of fixing spelling errors in comments and variable
>   names.
> [1] https://github.com/nxengine/nxengine-evo

Yes, I made a fork with this engine where I made minor changes. I've already
mentioned this mechanism in this package.

> (I'm BCC'ing the ITP as the "Others" sections would actually belong
> there, but I do not want to join those threads (therefore BCC)

I'm sorry but I did not understand this part. :(


⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ Carlos Donizete Froes (a.k.a coringao) <corin...@riseup.net>
⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Fingerprint: 2157 630B D441 A775 BEFF D35F FA63 ADA6 B638 B780
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ Debian Wiki: https://wiki.debian.org/coringao

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