good day here again

I have:
- accepted all debian patches from 0.0.17-1 into upstream 0.0.18,
- removed the warnings that were in the `debuild` report,
- uploaded a new 0.0.18-1, it is now free from warnings,

- I built a new bauble-1.0.56-1, resolving issue 755185,
- bauble-1.0.56-1 still has `debuild` warnings I want to solve,
- bauble-1.0.56-1 depends on python-fibra.

best regards,

On Tue, 15 May 2018 20:55:52 +0000 Jeremy Stanley <> wrote:
> On 2018-05-15 14:20:15 -0500 (-0500), Mario Frasca wrote:
> [...]
> > it was developed between 2008-11 (0.0.6) and 2009-8 (0.0.17)
> > [...]
> The dates made me strongly suspect, but skimming the upstream source
> confirms, this is very much not a Py3K-ready library. Are you
> becoming de facto upstream for this and planning to update it to
> support Python 3.x in preparation for 2.7 reaching end of life?
> --
> Jeremy Stanley

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