Hi Gregor,

Thanks for the reply.

On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 10:43 AM, gregor herrmann <gre...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 10:02:33 -0500, Matt Zagrabelny wrote:
> > I've uploaded to mentors via:
> >
> > $ dput mentors cdpr_2.4-3_amd64.changes
> > Package has already been uploaded to mentors on mentors.debian.net
> > Nothing more to do for cdpr_2.4-3_amd64.changes
> > Any help in:
> > A) Sponsoring this package would be great.
> > B) Figuring out why I don't get an email after a dput upload to mentors.
> > C) Why I don't see my package via the web UI.
> > Would be most appreciated.
> B) and C) are easy to answer: Because you didn't upload it, as the
> output of dput quoted above tells you :)
I know, I know... :)

I didn't save the console output of my initial upload, which did tell me
that I uploaded it - so I just reran the command to demonstrate that I used
dput in a sensible way.

> dput checks if there is already a file called something like
> cdpr_2.4-3_amd64.mentors.upload and then aborts.
> So you can either remove the file or use dput's option:
>        -f
>        --force
>               Disable the check for a unique upload.  See VERIFICATION
> CHECKS, above, for a description of this check.
I'll give the force option a try and see if the "reupload" fixes anything.
Fingers crossed!



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