On Wed, Feb 06, 2019 at 12:26:24PM -0500, Nicolas Mora wrote:
> Le 2019-02-06 11:59, Andrey Rahmatullin a écrit :
> > It's a bad idea to package shared libraries that don't keep stable ABI.
> > 
> [...]
> > Please don't just add a random SONAME. Library versions with different
> > ABIs must have different SONAMEs so if you add a custom SONAME you will
> > need to change it each time the ABI changes, with an appropriate package
> > transition. You may probably want to put the package version or the date
> > into the SONAME like e.g. libv8 does. Your other option, apart from the
> > obvious one (waiting for the issue to be fixed upstream), would be
> > comparing ABIs and maintaining the ABI yourself but I wouldn't recommend
> > it.
> You're right, on second thoughts, this library, even useful, doesn't have a
> stable API yet, and will probably have more changes until a stable release.
> I'll close the ITP for now. I may reopen it when the library will be
> stabalized.

You could even leave the ITP open and mention the API instability in
it so to prevent new "unaware" or "unwise" ITPs to succeed without
further investigation.


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