On Tue, Mar 05, 2019 at 08:09:17PM -0300, Carlos Donizete Froes wrote:
> Hi Bart,
> > Are you aware that the file debian/not-installed was added? I doubt that 
> > this
> > was intentional.
> I do not know if you can help me, but when I go to debuild[1] my package, 
> this warning
> occurs.
> [1] https://paste.debian.net/1071745
> I followed the options debuild offered me.

Okay, it's just a matter of taste. The files in debian/tmp/ are indeed also
installed elsewhere, and from there included in the packages, so it is okay to
suppress the noise from dh_missing with a debian/not-installed file. I would
however (the taste part) not just copy that noise to debian/not-installed as-is
(which seems to work), but rather cleanly list the files, or even put just one
line "debian/tmp/*" in debian/not-installed since all those files are installed
twice. Or have no debian/not-installed file, leaving the noise in the build
output. As said, it's just a matter of taste. So I've just uploaded your
package to unstable as you made it.



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