On 2019-05-09 14:58:17 -0400 (-0400), Cindy Sue Causey wrote:
> For lurking newbies, "apt-cache search virtual machine" brings a
> serious laundry list of things going on in Debian, AND I just tripped
> over UML (user-mode-linux) a couple days ago. If UML is a chat-able
> Mentors topic, I'd sure be happily lurking along with the thread.
> Curiosity, in part, is whether or not UML plays nice with how
> Developers do their thing. In other words, is it worth the time to
> test drive it to see what it does?
> UML *sounds* interesting if one (cognitively) grasps how to use it.
> That doesn't always translate into being worth time spent
> self-training when other virtual machine genre packages might
> figuratively "blow its doors off" in experienced Users' popularity
> contests. :)

UML was great ~15 years ago and I used it heavily in production
environments. These days KVM is also in the mainline kernel and is
superior for virtualization in all ways I'm aware. Folks who want
something lighter-weight than KVM are instead going with a
combination of chroot, cgroups and network namespaces (this
combination often referred to as a "container") for workload

That said, if you're looking to have a Linux VM on a Linux host, UML
probably still works.
Jeremy Stanley

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