On Wed, 19 Jun 2019 10:38:39 -0300 "eamanu15 ."
<emmanuelaria...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > hi.
> > i haven't looked into your packaging yet, but...
> >
> > - i'm interested in sponsoring the package
> >
> Great!

I am too interested in sponsoring :)

> - would you consider maintaining the package under the multimedia-team
> > umbrella?
> >
> It would be great. I think I will need to ask for permission to
> multimedia-team. I will send a mail :-)

I have added you to the salsa project. I have create a repo and will
push a cleaned up version of your work for you to have a look at.

> > - last time i checked libcamera it wasn't really usable. do you know
> > anything about the timeframe for a first upstream release? (i haven't
> > really followed any discussion)

> I think is usable for test. Maybe we will be start with a experimental
> release for Debian? (Not unstable).
> I open the discussion for a release, but the developers don't feel that
> libcamera is ready for a first release yet.  I will contact them for new
> news.

Probably uploading to experimental first is a good idea.


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