On 25/06/2019 23:58, Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 03:46:41PM -0600, Daniele Nicolodi wrote:
>> One of the criteria for software to enter Debian is it being generally
>> useful and balance the added functionality with the inevitable resources
>> that will be required to keep a package in the archive.  In this case,
>> unless I am missing something, your utility does not offer any function
>> that cannot be readily obtained combining standard utilities already in
>> Debian.  This is also a balance in discoverability: anyone familiar with
>> an Unix command line would find the above solution more quickly reading
>> the relevant man pages, than searching the archive for a package doing
>> the same.  Additionally, because of the flat hierarchy of the binaries
>> in $PATH, I think that any command line utility with a two characters
>> name is very likely to incur in a name collision.
> That is mostly true but it mismatches
>  Subject: Intro and Seeking Sponsor

How is what I wrote not relevant for a request for sponsor?


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