
Thanks for adopting a package!
(and for maintaining it upstream as well)

On Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 02:53:53PM +0300, Nikos Tsipinakis wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "dunst"

I am a (very casual) user so I might be interested, but can't do
a complete review at the moment – so if someone else wants to…
(also given you have a regular for newsboat at least)

As far as I looked I have only some minor nitpick comments because
I like looking at changelogs and get the feeling of understanding what
happened without investigating too deeply.

>   * Update maintainer (Closes: #930310)

I think I would prefer "Adopting package" or "Set myself as maintainer"
or something like that as "Update" can basically mean everything like
changing your email address, joining a team or whatever.

>   * Update Build-Depends

If there is a good way to summarize what was exactly updated, please say
so. Version bump? Now build-depending on KDE, GNOME and Qt3? πŸ˜‰

>   * Bump standards version

Which standard? – also there is a new one out by now.

>   * Bump debhelper compat to 12

You could switch to "debhelper-compat (= 12)" in Build-Depends and
remove the debian/compat file.

>   * Install release notes in docs

Your are installing them as NEWS: Do you have a deeper reason for doing
that? The file contents look like a bit similar to a NEWS.Debian file
in content, but then upstream name and content also suggest it should
contain notes for each (major) release – even if 1.4 is missing – which
would usually be a bit much for NEWS… but yeah, that is really just
personal taste and style I guess. Long story short: mention NEWS.

>   * Update copyright file

These tend to be hard to summarize, but here I think you just mean that
you added yourself – not that e.g. upstream flipped from MIT to AGPL3+.

Thanks again for adopting a package and good luck finding a sponsor now
that unstable is open again!

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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