On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 02:10:12PM +0100, Ake Hedman wrote:
> I am packaging a bunch of projects that are supposed to install on
> Ubuntu/Debin/Raspian preferable on as old versions as possible.  I am
> trying to make scripts that make the packages automatically with
> pbuilder and I get a bit confused on how to handle the different
> debhelper versions.
> For example I have the dependency setting in the debian/control file. If
> I want it to work for raspian jessie i need to set this to debhelper (>=
> 8) On buster it is (>= 11) and on Ubuntu there is other versions etc.

> How do people handle this. Build manually for all platforms?
You still need different changelog entries for different platforms, and in
many cases different build-deps, not to mention other packaging changes.

> And should the compat file be 11 in all cases?
compat shouldn't be higher than the debhelper version.


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