On Saturday, February 15 2020, Inaki Malerba wrote:

> Hi everyone!

Hey Inaki,

> I'm looking for some advice on how to fix some problems on 2 different
> packages I've been trying to update with no luck so far.
> # python-icecream. [0][1]
> The new release includes a dependency to a very small repository [2]
> that's not packaged.
> My first thought was to open an ITP and try to package it, but it turns
> out to be a single python script and I'm not sure if it's reasonable to
> create a whole package for that.
> Should I package the new dependency? The README[3] even suggests that
> it's ok to copy that single file. Would it be OK if I patch it into my
> package?

It's not uncommon to see small Python packages out there, often with
only a single file, like this one.  IMO, you should go ahead and package
it properly.  Other packages might depend on it, and it seems like an
easy package to make anyway.

> # doit [4][5]
> The latest release of this package contains a huge change on the
> documentation, which breaks the linting. It contains a lot of external
> javascripts and stuff.
> As python-icecream, doit made a change to depend on a custom sphinx
> theme that's not packaged but I managed to fix that patching it to use
> the default theme[6].
> Having changed the theme and fixed one of lintian suggestions (the
> node-html5shiv one), there are still a lot of problems with the docs
> package[7]. I even thought of removing the python-doit-doc package.

This one is more complicated...

Apparently upstream decided to write an index.html documentation page
full of minified, non-Free JS:


If you look at index.html's header, you'll see references to things
under the _static/vendor directory, or links to fonts.googleapis.com.
Both are problematic:


We have almost everything packaged in Debian that is needed to replace
these.  You will have to remove the files from the tarball (using
d/copyright's Files-Excluded, plus using +dfsg in the package's

These are the replacements that already exist in Debian:

  libjs-bootstrap (for bootstrap.min.js)
  fonts-font-awesome (for font-awesome.min.css)
  fonts-roboto (for the googleapis.com Roboto font)

We're missing packages for "bootstrap-select.min.css" and
"owl.carousel".  The good thing about "owl.carousel" is that python-doit
ships the non-minified JS version, which means that you can minify it
during build time.  The problematic part is the
"bootstrap-select.min.css" file, which is only shipped in its minified

The ideal scenario would be to package bootstrap-select and then depend
on it, but I don't think it's fair to make you go through this (the
package seems a bit complicated, and packaging JS is not easy
sometimes).  Another "good enough" approach (IMO) would be to copy a
version of "bootstrap-select.js" (non-minified) into python-doit's code
(using a patch under d/patch, of course), and then minify it during the
build.  This is not very elegant, but solves the problem (it's similar
to what you proposed above, for python-icecream).

All in all, it will demand a bit of work, unfortunately.


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