Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "sane-backends"

   Package name    : sane-backends
   Version         : 1.0.29-1~experimental1
   Upstream Author : [fill in name and email of upstream]
   URL             :
   License         : GPL-2+ with sane exception
   Vcs             :
   Section         : graphics

It builds those binary packages:

  sane-utils - API library for scanners -- utilities
  libsane-common - API library for scanners -- documentation and support files
  libsane1 - API library for scanners
  libsane-dev - API development library for scanners [development files]

To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:

Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this

  dget -x

or from git

Changes since the last upload:

   * New upstream release (Closes: #951213, #942727, #944998).
     - New debian/patches/0040-remove_git.patch to remove git access at
       build time.
     - Refresh patches:
       + debian/patches/0700-mk_reproducible_results.patch.
       + debian/patches/0710-sane-desc.c_debian_mods.patch.
       + debian/patches/0715-20-sane.hwdb_multi-arch.patch.
       + debian/patches/0725-fix_link_60-libsane_rule.patch.
       + debian/patches/0100-source_spelling.patch.
     - Refresh symbols file.
     - Refresh lintian overrides.
   * debian/rules:
     - Add --exclude=/sane/ to override_dh_makeshlibs-arch to generate
       only public symbols (Closes: #911597).
     - Don't install obsolete hal fdi file (Closes: #913282).
   * Remove architecture dependent symbols files.
   * Merge release 1.0.27-3.2 into source tree.
     - Thanks to John Paul Adrian Glaubitz for the bug fix.
   * New debian/patches/0725-fix_link_60-libsane_rule.patch:
     - Fix directory for 20-sane.hwdb (Closes: #916239).
   * New debian/patches/0155-genesys_gl847.patch:
     - Fix discolored bar on GL847 chip based scanners (Closes: #912603).
   * Fix missing set device to group scanner (Closes: #918358);
     - New debian/99-libsane.rules.
     - debian/libsane.install: Install File into /etc/udev/rules.d/
     - Change debian/TROUBLESHOOTING.Debian
   * debian/sane-utils.config: Remove the RUN parameter in compliance with
     Debian Policy Manual section (Closes: #915197).
   * debian/copyright:
     - Add year 2020 for debian/*.
     - Add missing Uploaders to debian/*.
     - Refresh for the new upstream release.
   * Fix the lintian warning "libsane: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames
     - debian/control: rename package libsane to libsane1.
     - debian/rules: Change filenames and directories from libsane to libsane1.
     - Rename debian/99-libsane.rules to debian/99-libsane1.rules.
   * Refresh debian/patches/0100-source_spelling.patch.
   * New debian/libsane-common.lintian-overrides and
     debian/libsane1.lintian-overrides to override false positive 
   * Fix autopkgtest.
   * Migrate to debhelper 12:
     - Change debian/compat to 12.
     - Bump minimum debhelper version in debian/control to >= 12.
   * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.5.0 (No changes needed).
   * New debian/sane-utils.lintian-overrides to override false positive missing
     init.d script.
   * debian/control: Add Pre-Depends ${misc:Pre-Depends} to install invoke-rc.d.
   * debian/watch: Rewrite for the new Gitlab directory layout.
   * Rename debian/NEWS.Debian to debian/NEWS.
   * debian/control:
     - Add missing depends.
     - Change Conflicts/Replaces to the new release.
     - Add Rules-Requires-Root.
   * debian/*.manpages: Rewrite to install from new directory.
   * Switch to debhelper-compat:
     - debian/control: Replace debhelper with debhelper-compat.
     - Remove debian/compat.
   * Install all docs:
     - New debian/libsane-common.dirs, debian/,
   * Fix autopkgtest.
   * Remove unused files and patches.
   * Reuse debian/patches/0125-multiarch_dll_search_path.patch (Closes: 

The build with sbuild (sbuild --no-arch-all && sbuild --no-arch-any &&
sbuild) and pdebuild are ok. The tests with lintian and piuparts and
the autopkgtest are also ok.

| Summary                                                                      |

Autopkgtest: pass
Build Architecture: amd64
Build Type: full
Build-Space: 1092680
Build-Time: 670
Distribution: experimental
Host Architecture: amd64
Install-Time: 98
Lintian: info
Machine Architecture: amd64
Package: sane-backends
Package-Time: 783
Piuparts: pass
Source-Version: 1.0.29-1~experimental1
Space: 1092680
Status: successful
Version: 1.0.29-1~experimental1
Finished at 2020-02-16T08:06:51Z
Build needed 00:13:03, 1092680k disk space


GPG Fingerprint: 63E0 075F C8D4 3ABB 35AB  30EE 09F8 9F3C 8CA1 D25D
GPG key (long) : 09F89F3C8CA1D25D
GPG Key        : 8CA1D25D
CAcert Key S/N : 0E:D4:56

Old pgp Key: BE581B6E (revoked since 2014-12-31).

Jörg Frings-Fürst
D-54470 Lieser


Threema:  SYR8SJXB
Wire:     @joergfringsfuerst
Skype:    joergpenguin
Ring:     jff
Telegram: @joergfringsfuerst

My wish list: 
 - Please send me a picture from the nature at your home.

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