Dear fellow debianists, I seek your advice.

Years ago, with your help, I packaged "obsession" (for "openbox-session"), a tool intended to provide openbox (or other light WMs) with an xdg-autostart script and a GUI menu and CLI tool to easily disconnect/reboot/shutdown/etc. The package got uploaded thanks to a kind and patient DD.

Since then,
- upstream project got split in two halves (the xdg-autostart part, and the "menu" part)
- which seems to have finally both disappeared
- the xdg-autostart is buggy and does not comply with specifications (#959922, #832980)
- openbox now implements its own openbox-xdg-autostart script
- there is a standalone fbautostart maintained by paultag doing the xdg-autostart job and respecting the specs
- I've been busy and haven't took much care of this package :-(

Now, I think that "obsession" would be a good candidate for removal, especially since it won't get any love from upstream.

However, I found out that there were a sudden (yet relative) rise in popcon usage: so, there are users…

I don't want to become upstream for this package.
I think that the xdg-autostart is not worth fixing.

I see different solutions:

1) remove xdg-autostart, recommend fbautostart
2) remove xdg-autostart, depends on fbautostart, add a wrapper for xdg-autostart to fbautostart 3) find an alternative to obsession-logout and obsession-exit binaries and replace obsession with a transition package

What are your thoughts about that?

Thank you for your time,


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