Le sam. 13 févr. 2021 à 11:28, Thomas Perret <thomas.per...@phyx.fr> a
écrit :

> Hi Jérémy,
> >
> > However, i don't quite understand the usefulness of these packages:
> > - openpaperwork-core
> > - openpaperwork-core-doc
> > - openpaperwork-gtk
> > - openpaperwork-gtk-doc
> >
> > I've installed openpaperwork-gtk and it seems it doesn't depend on
> > paperwork-gtk,
> > but maybe i'm missing some documentation, and the long package
> description
> > of
> > openpaperwork-gtk
> > doesn't help either.
> In fact, paperwork-gtk depends on openpaperwork-gtk.
> I agree that openpaperwork-* packages descriptions are not really helpful

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