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On Sat, 12 Dec 2020 10:53:01 +0100 Fabrice Creuzot <> wrote:
> I uploaded a new package release (6.5.0-1).

Hi Fabrice,

(Note: I'm not a ruby / javascript guy)

You have those lintian errors thats needs fixing:

 E source-is-missing


Minimized java script is not acceptable, you need to provide the un-minified
sources. You can minimize them at runtime, if needed…

Same if valid for the css files.

This probably also applies to the woff fonts:
What is the source of the font? What is the underlaying font?
(I'm not familiar with webfonts, so you probably need to explain it to me…)

Marking moreinfo for now, as this needs to be fix before this RFS can proceed.


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