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On Thu, 1 Jul 2021 13:51:14 +0100 Mark King wrote:
Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

  dget -x

Changes for the initial release:

 eta (1.0.1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * Initial release. Closes: #923225

Some notes:
- I'm targeting debhelper-compat = 12 for convenience for the time being,
but plan to target 13 once bullseye is released
- I understand that this can't be uploaded to testing before bullseye
release, but would like to get any feedback on the packaging itself before
then, if possible
- I'm working with the upstream author to publish signatures for releases,
and will update the watch file when this becomes available

Hi Mark,

Good job on you first package! There is one thing that I do not get on the first look: Where do you get the "or later" clause from that is in GPL-3.0+ (d/copyright)? I cannot see any license header in the project, so I would assume GPL-3 (no +) applies. With that change I would sponsor the package.

Please change UNRELEASED in the changelog to unstable or experimental.


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