
I intend to add build time tests (and if this will work autopkgtest)
to feh.  It turns out that it can not find its own font file shipped
with the source since it is not installed at build time test status.
I tried to copy that font file to ${HOME}/.fonts and fc-list is even
listing the font in question[1]:

   /tmp/.fonts/yudit.ttf: Yudit Unicode:style=LR

but finally the test fails with

  feh WARNING: couldn't load font yudit/11, attempting to fall back to fixed.
  feh WARNING: failed to even load fixed! Attempting to find any font.
  feh ERROR: Error loading fonts

Any idea how to get this working?

Kind regards


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/debian-phototools-team/feh/-/jobs/2629411#L1292


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