Dear Adam,

> > > Seems you lost the changelog for 7.16-3.1.
> >
> > [...] I can add the entry for 7.16-3.1 into my repos.  Should I
> > then just reissue 7.18-1 (the current version) or create 7.18-2?
> There's no 7.18-1 in the archive, thus 7.18-1.

I have added the entry for 7.16-3.1 into debian/changelog, have
regenerated the relevant files for 7.18-1 (debian.tar.xz, dsc) and
have rebuilt the binary packages as well.  As before, you may
download using:

  dget -x
  dget -x

> (I think only Fedora uses the opposite scheme.)

Given I am also a Fedora and openSUSE developer, you can understand
why I asked my question...  It can be tricky to keep track of the
different packaging standards each distro has!

Yours truly,

John Zaitseff

John Zaitseff   ╭───╮   Email:
The ZAP Group   │ Z │   GnuPG: 0x0D254111C4EE569B
Australia Inc.  ╰───╯

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