On Sat, 2022-08-27 at 12:28 +0500, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 27, 2022 at 12:23:51AM -0700, Steve M wrote:
> > > > Successfully uploaded swift_5.6.2-1.dsc to mentors.debian.net for
> > > > mentors.
> > > Note that there is already a package called "swift" in the archive.
> > 
> > This made me go look at the REJECTED e-mail again and I noticed it says
> > "Unfortunately your package "swift" was rejected". That's not right. My
> > package
> > is "swiftlang" 
> No, your source package is named "swift".

So then maybe I did it all correctly to have my package named "swiftlang" and my
upstream named "swift"? It took me a while to get the build tools to be happy so
I thought I must have.

> > something correctly there. I am aware of the existing package "swift" and my
> > package is marked as being a conflict with it due to both packages having
> > binaries named "swift".
> This is wrong as well, see
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files.html#binaries

I had to read that policy a few times, but now I see that I am not allowed to
use the "conflicts" mechanism is this situation. My "swift" binary is actually
just a symbolic link to "swift-frontend", but it is the main mechanism by which
the compiler and REPL is called. Also, "swiftc" is also a symbolic link to that
same "swift-frontend" so it might be possible to simply drop "swift" and depend
on "swiftc" which would then only be an issue for people trying to follow
documentation that tells then to run the "swift" command. Should I now reach out
to debian-devel to ask about it?

> Also, what is the ITP bug number for this package?

The ITP bug # is 788327


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