
I am looking into packaging AmberTools [1], suite of tools for molecular
dynamics simulation. AmberTools is GPL, but it is shipped inside a
tarball of a larger piece of software called Amber [2]. To get the
tarball one has to put in their name and institution in a form [2], but
there is no text implying agreeing with any licensing requirements or
similar next to the "Download" button. In addition, details entered in
the form are not stored in the downloaded tarball (otherwise checksums
would not match).

Inside the tarball, AmberTools are localized in AmberTools/ directory.
Top-level README says:

Except as noted below, Amber 22 is provided under a license that has
restrictions on its use and redistribution.  You should not use Amber 22
unless you have executed a license agreement with UCSF.  Consult that
license to see the provisions that apply.

The files in the "AmberTools" subdirectory are covered by a separate, open
source, license; see ./AmberTools/LICENSE for more information.

My question: Is it OK to extract AmberTools from Amber tarball and
package for Debian main?

[1] https://ambermd.org/AmberTools.php
[2] https://ambermd.org/GetAmber.php#ambertools


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