On Sun, 22 Jan 2023 20:30:44 +0100
Bastian Germann <b...@debian.org> wrote:

> This is not a "Source only upload" as claimed by d/changelog.

The sequence of events here:

0) `dch -i` for an increment of the counter
1) change of the entry about maintainership in the /debian/control file
2) addition of two assistance scripts debian/git_report.sh and
   debian/simpler_list.py I assumed (by Daniel Leidert's email) as not
   required, though perceived as useful for later updates (only after
   `bookworm` is published as `stable`)
3) run `dpkg-buildpackage` followed by `linitian`.  As anticipated, `lintian`
   now reports as a warning uploader and maintainer are the same; however, no
   report of an error.  The newly build .deb installed well (by `sudo dpkg
   -i`) in an instance of Xubuntu 22.04 which is separate from the Linux
   Debian 12/bookworm used to prepare the package
4) back in Linux Debian 12/bookworm, `dpkg-buildpackage --changes-option=-S`
   on basis of "How to make a source-only upload" by 
5) `git add .`, `git commit -m`, and `git push` to the repository on salsa
6) `debsign` signature of the new .changes file, and `dput mentors` to provide
   the mentors page with a new upload. After about 10 min and reception of the
   of "the upload was accepted" email, I filed for a RFS.

Neither on Saturday, nor today does step 2) appear to me as an error.  The
same page reports

If you like debuild command, you can do: 

$ debuild -S

So far, I understood this instruction as "this is not necessary because the
previously issued `dpkg-buildpackage --changes-option=-S` already prepares the
source code".



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