Am 09.10.23 um 16:29 schrieb Chris Carr:
For snd-cocoa.m, ui-effect.c, and ui-player-properties.c, I am interested in 
documenting the copyright holders in
d/copyright (just saying "1989-2023 Angband contributors" is not enough).

Why is it not enough? Angband has 85 contributors listed on github alone, and many of the source files had dozens of additional contributors before they first appeared on github 13 years ago. Angband was released under GPL-2 in the late noughties (v3.1.0) and everyone contributing code since then has done so in the knowledge that Angband has a dual licence. To require contributors for these three files to be documented in d/copyright, but not the contributors to any other files, seems bizarre and disproportionate.

There are probably many other files that have explicit copyright holders 
mentioned, not only those three files.
The same goes for any other such files. I have just listed them because they had changes in the Copyright comment and I have looked at the diff between the current Debian version and the proposed version, which I have already mentioned twice.

If you do not want to list each of the copyright holders that are specifically mentioned in individual files then please reference /usr/share/doc/angband/thanks.txt.gz in the Comment for Files: * but make sure that each individually mentioned name is contained in that file.

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