Hi Soren,

On 2024-05-03 01:12, Soren Stoutner wrote:
I am very much not a uscan expert, but the attached watch file appears to do
what you want.

Key changes are:

1.  Adding a dversionmangle line to each entry that modifies the Debian version
number to extract the information that should be used for each upstream
tarball.  Your case is a little interesting because one of the tarballs has a
different numbering scheme.

2.  Change the version entries to remove `group` and use `ignore` on the last

3.  Add `uupdate` as the script at the end of the file.

There are probably many other ways you could accomplish this.

Many thanks for giving this a look. I managed to sort out the watchfile myself by merely removing 'same', which seems to be affected by bug #891047 in uscan.

Best wishes,

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