Control: tags -1 moreinfo

On Fri, 26 Apr 2024 20:30:37 +0530
Shriram Ravindranathan <> wrote:

> I am looking for a sponsor for my package gpscorrelate:

hi Shriram,

thanks for your interest in adopting this package. I did a review, and
the following issues came up:

* copyright:
  + incorrect license for i18n.h (listed as GPL-2+ but file says
  + debian/* license "GPL-2+ or GPL-3" doesn't make sense, as GPL-3
    is already included in GPL-2+

* changelog should close the ITA bug when adopting a package

* control: ancient version requirement for the libexiv2-dev build-dep
  should be dropped

* gpscorrelate-gui.dirs is redundant; these directories will be
  created automatically when the files listed in
  d/gpscorrelate-gui.install get installed

* d/README.Debian seems outdated; it talks about a rationale for
  splitting into two binary packages that aren't interdependent and
  only recommend one another for docs, but then d/control lists one as
  a hard dependency of the other. What changed? Does the README or the
  package need modification?

* rules: tests seem to run fine on build if one removes the override.
  Any reason why they are (still) disabled? If possible, do run tests
  on build; in case you do decide on keeping them off, you could
  probably drop the build-dep on exiv2.

* Wishlist: add an autopkgtest, based on the upstream testsuite.
  Something along the lines of copy the "tests" directory to
  $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP, symlink the gpscorrelate executable, then run
  ./tests/testsuite should work; if you need an example, the re2c
  package takes a similar approach.

I do realise many of the issues above weren't introduced by you, but
that can be an unfortunate side effect of adopting existing packages.

You were granted maintainer level access to the package's git repo at, so you may push your
current changes and any future work there.

Please remove the moreinfo tag (and CC me) once you have an updated
package ready.

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