Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: important

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for the package "markdown":

* Package name     : markdown
  Version          : 1.0.1-13
  Upstream contact : John Gruber <>
* URL              :
* License          : BSD-3-Clause
* Vcs              :
  Section          : web

The source builds the following binary packages:

 markdown - Text-to-HTML conversion tool

I'm adopting this package since I still see significant value in having the original markdown implementation in Debian. See the ITA bug #466330 for my reasoning.

To access further information about this package, please visit the following URL: <>

You can locally check out and review the package by cloning the Git repository hosted on Salsa:

   gbp clone

To quickly see what's changed, just run:

   git diff debian/1.0.1-12

Changes since the last upload:

markdown (1.0.1-13) unstable; urgency=medium
  * d/control: adopt package (Closes: #466330)
  * d/control: add Vcs fields
  * d: convert packaging to debhelper (Closes: #1063645)
  * d/copyright: convert to DEP-5 format
  * d/watch: add basic watch file
  * d/u/metadata: add upstream metadata

Thanks! Bye :)

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