Hallo Bartosz,

* Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-23 18:35]:
> > > FYI, dh_installman is, by default, commented out in debian/rules, if you
> > > use dh_make to create debian/.
> > 
> > <cdbs-plug>
> > But why on earth would anyone use dh_make when we have cdbs?  ;-)
> > </cdbs-plug>
> I can say only for myself, but cdbs is completely useless for me as far as
> it is shipped without documentation.

the documentation is very low, but the file
/usr/share/doc/cdbs/cdbs.html is enough to understand the basics.
and https://wiki.duckcorp.org/DebianPackagingTutorial_2fCDBS is a little
bit better i think.
> Or maybe only I can't find it?

no, there is not really a documentation. but it is quite easy, i only
needed one day to switch my gtksee package to cdbs.
> And please don't tell me that source is the best documentation :P

:) it is :)
regards nico
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