Hello Mentors.

I would like to inform you about the work that was done concerning the
[1]Bugzilla package.

There is currently one Release Critical Bug on it (#250638) and 3
Important bugs (#200707, #154249 and #177183).

According the reports from Rémi Perrot (the Bugzilla's maintainer), #177183 is 
fixed in unstable, so the bug is tagged woody.

For the 3 others bugs, I've made a patch that can fix them.

As I am not a Debian Developer, I cannot upload an NMU on the RC bug and
ask here for a sponsor.

Feel free to contact me, either on the list or in private, for details.


Alexis Sukrieh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    * Another Linux Debian Geek Enthusiast
    * http://www.sukria.net
    * http://www.debian.org - Just for code.

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