On Fri, Dec 31, 2004 at 11:15:46AM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Matthew Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004.12.31.0058 +0100]:
> > Surely there could be an alternate means of specifying the package
> > version number, since you're not restricted to using the Usual
> > Debian Tools -- remember, absolute minimalism here...
> debian/control and debian/changelog are the standards for Debian
> source packages. debhelper is also more or less of a standard, which
> uses them. Obviously, you can create DEBIAN/control (not the
> capitals, now I am talking dpkg-deb) with other means, but then why
> need debian/control.

Aah, well there's the thing -- we're talking absolute minimum requirements
here.  Debhelper is several levels above that, and we're even below the
level of Debian source package.

> > It's actually quite a fun mental game, this: "What do I *really* need,
> > rather than what I'm accustomed to needing".
> ed(1), tar(1), dpkg-deb.

gzip and (BSD) ar can replace dpkg-deb, I think.

- Matt

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