On 02/15/05 00:31, William Ballard wrote:
I wrote my own app and it is debianized already, the way
mplayer already is.  But I mistakenly made it a "native" Debian
package when it is really a tarball and/or a debian package.

There will *never* be a "diff" between "debian" and "upstream"
(I wrote it.)

I can use "make dist" to produce a tarball.  Should I make my
Debian scripts operate on this outputted tarball?

Even if you wrote the program its a good idea to keep the debian packaging scripts separate and don't make a native package. Basicaly you provide the orig tarball without the debian subdir and put it in the diff files.

There are several ways of doing this. What I do in these situations is leave the debian subdir out of the "make dist". Then write a script that makes the following things (aprox):

- make dist
- copy the tar.gz to a temp dir with the appropiate .orig Debian name.
- unpack the tar.gz and copy the debian dir into it.
- let dpkg-buildpackage (or similar) compile and generate the diff file, etc.

In fact I add an extra step. I don't build the package directly. I first build a source package and then let pbuilder[1] build the final package in a chroot.

And as a related question, I don't wish to become a Debian Developer,
but this app is at least as good as some of the things in the archive.
I suppose I need a "sponsor." This is a simple GTK app.
What is the protocol for asking, and would anybody be willing to upload it for me (once we take a good close look at it.)

If you don't wish to maintain the package you should submit a RFP as a bugreport of the WNPP[2] pseudo package. If you wish to maintain it you should submit an ITP.

Not all Debian Developers will sponsor your upload if you have no intention of becoming a DD.

This app has already been on Freshmeat/Sourceforge for a year:
(new release 1.5 will be on freshmeat tomorrow)
(1.5 version already up there)

You should provide more info. Check the debian-mentors FAQ[3].


[1] http://packages.debian.org/pbuilder
[2] http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/
[3] http://people.debian.org/~mpalmer/debian-mentors_FAQ.html

Lucas Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      .''`.
Buenos Aires, Argentina                : :ø :   Debian GNU/Linux
http://www.kadath.com.ar               `. `'  http://www.debian.org
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