On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 12:50:45AM +0100, Sven Mueller wrote:
> Jan Zizka wrote on 11/03/2005 00:41:
> >BTW was I supposed to increase the version number to something 
> >like 2.17-41.1 if previous package would have been put to official
> >archive?
> More like 2.17-42 I would say, but yes. Though I'm no DD myself, the way 
> I understood the tools, you can't upload the same revision twice (with 
> different content) without asking FTP-masters to remove the older 
> version first. Uploading a new revision is much easier and straight-forward.

Yes that would be other option, but actually I have been changing changelog 
entriese for 2.17-41 not adding anyhing new. I guess that I shouldn't
do this at all when dealing with official archive.

BTW at least when I have re-duploaded those corrections to mentors.debian.net
the package was updated just fine even thow the revision didn't change.
I would actually expect what you have described but seems that it's not
like that.


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