On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 11:56:57AM +0300, George Danchev wrote:
> I would like to ask the following:

> really nice gtk-php app which deserves to be included in debian:
> http://quozl.netrek.org/pptp/pptpconfig/

> pptpconfig needs a php interpreter built with --enable-pcntl (it calls 
> functions like: pcntl_signal(), pcntl_wifexited(), pcntl_wexitstatus(), 
> pcntl_wifsignaled(), pcntl_wtermsig(), pcntl_wifstopped(), pcntl_wstopsig() 
> for process signalling). OK it installs another interpreter with pcntl 
> support enabled and uses it as well. Works well. 

> Now if pptpconfig wants to hit the official debian archive the following 
> options occur:

> * things remain the way thay are now - with another php interpreter with 
> pcntl 
> support installed
> * enable pcntl support in the official debian php packages - I have been told 
> that it is insecure for serving web content. What are the exact reasons 
> behind that ? 
> * figure out a way to replace the current process signalling without using 
> pcntl_* functions, but the support enabled in the official debian php 
> packages. Unfortunately looking at php docs it seems not to be possible.

> What is the best way to resolv the situation ? Thanks.

 * rewrite the app using a language that doesn't suck for GUIs

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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