On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 03:13:03PM +0800, Paul Harris wrote:
> hi,
> i have agreed to take VRweb off Fabien Ninoles' hands, and have been
> successful in making it work under my Potato system! woo hoo!
> however, i have no idea what the next steps are:
> - What is the technique to rediff a package for the debian diff?

apply the diff on the source manually than update the control and the
changelog files and make a 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot'. It should
work (my rules file used some debhelper scripts which is useful to stay
policy compliant).

Be sure also to send the patches to upstream!

> - Why is dpkg-source complaining about:
>       $ dpkg-source -x vrweb_1.5-2.dsc
>       dpkg-source: error: Expected ^@@ in line 679 of diff
>   is this some sort of bug? seemed to work earlier... i just untared and
>   patched it myself

The diff dpkg-source wait for is one produce by the build process (is
not a custom one except that the paths are fixed). Just apply them manually
and update the debian/changelog file appropriately using dch or the
debbian-changelog mode of emacs.

> - Where are the FMs on the debian/rules stuff? I'd just like to make sure
>   it works after i get that diff thing going.

You should install debian-policy & packaging-manual and read the Developper
Corner of the web pages.

> - How do I accept vrweb as mine? Do I need to get a sponser or something?

I can be your sponsor seens you're not a maintainer. It'll be your when
you upload it under your name. Please, contact me. I can give more

> - How do I wack it on the debian mirror and all that?

dupload do the work when you're a maintainer.

> also, on the other bugs mentioned in the buglist, i would like to see
> something like freewrl working, as vrweb is just too big and clunky. it
> may be helpful as a reference but i think a new program should be
> developed that uses existing stuff like perl, gtk/qt and perl, but doesn't
> have to be statically linked. (i haven't looked at freewrl yet).

talk to the freewrl maintainer. You certainly be some help for him.

> consequently my aim for vrweb is to just get it to work, i am not aiming
> to improve it (thats for upstream people). but would it be worthwhile to
> look at fixing bug #29078: package vrweb depends on library libg++272. is
> this really a bad thing? surely there are better vrml viewers out there?

The bug seems to be fixes. In the changelog entry, add a 'Closes: #29078'
anywhere. The bug will be automatically closed when the package will be

> anyway, i'm looking forward to sumbitting a working version of vrweb, so
> let me know about the proper procedures soon please! thanks!

First, please, read the FM and web pages. A new, non-official procedure
to help reducing the load of new-maintainer is to be sponsored by a current
maintainer. I'm willing and will be happy to do this for you :) Please,
read a little more and the contact me for any question. I'll contact you
again if you have any other questions.

Also, the sponsor help to speed up things by verifying the new package
and uploading it himself in the name of the new maintainer (you have
to be a maintainer to upload a package). So, can you send me your patches
that I can check them? I can even upload it before you get your account
if it's your desire.

> Paul Harris

Give me some news!
{ happy to see this embarrassing bugs finally closed! ;) }

Fabien Ninoles        Chevalier servant de la Dame Catherine des Rosiers
aka Corbeau aka le Veneur Gris               Debian GNU/Linux maintainer
E-mail:                                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WebPage:                                    http://www.tzone.org/~fabien
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