
I am currently working on a package called ipchains-init which is
basically a beefed-up ipmasq with a little more restrictive rules. I
have a directory /etc/ipchains.init/ which contains my rule sets as a
collection of shell scripts that have links to various state levels of
the packet filters. This looks suspiciously like the sysvinit scheme
of /etc/init.d/<script> and their symlinks to the runlevel

Due to the nature of the package, the rules are likely to be
customized by the user, so I'd need them to be conffiles to prevent
them from being overwritten if a new package version comes out. Users
also have the opportunity to create their own rules.

Is it possible to have an entire directory tree flagged as conffiles?
Or would I be better off to have my postinst script install the rule
files to their location in /etc/ipchains-init/? That way, the files
can't be in the .deb as /etc/ipchains-init/<file> because this would
cause already existent files to be overwritten.

How do I make them show up in the list given out by dpkg --listfiles?

In which path of the .deb should I have the source files to be moved
to /etc/ipchains-init during postinst? How can I prevent the source
files from showing up in the dpkg --listfiles list?

Any hints will be appreciated.


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Marc Haber          |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  |     Beginning of Wisdom "     | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

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