On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, zhaoway wrote:

> hi,
> i have a bug on compiling on m68k. i have no experience beyond i386.
> is there some guideline/step-by-step/tutorial on dealing with such
> bugs?

According to http://db.debian.org/machines.cgi there's with
kullervo.debian.org a m68k machine you can get an account on when you need
it. If you can't find the problem yourself you can perhaps ask at the
Debian m68k mailing list.

If you're talking about #66397 it might be you'll have to go through the
architecture specific parts of your package to find out where the problem
is (when you're lucky you can get some help from upstream).

> thanks,
> zw


A "No" uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a
"Yes" merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.
                -- Mahatma Ghandi

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