I'm working on a package for ripperX, which comes in a ripperX_2.0 tarball
and extracts itself into ripperX-2.0 directory, and produces a "ripperX"

When I left things as they were upstream, dh_make doesn't complain, but I
get all kinds of problems actually trying to build the package.  (dpkg
doesn't like the control file with caps in the package name, and when I
fix that, then the orig.tar doesn't match, etc.)

Is there a prescribed method for handling upstream source like this?  
Should I fold the directory name in the tarball into lowercase?  Since the
package name is going to be lowercase, it seems confusing that the binary
is mixed-case.  Should I provide a symlink?  Fold the binary name itself
into lowercase?  (The same applies for the manpage too, I guess.)

Thanks in advance for pointers, tony

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