On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 10:24:01AM +1100, Drew Parsons wrote:

> I wouldn't necessarily mind using SGML, but which tools exactly do you use.
> For creating man pages I mean.  How do you generate them from SGML?

I use emacs/psgml to edit, and the docbook-to-man package to generate nroff.

> As for editing nroff source, that's what I meant with my first question.  Is
> there no editor for this sort of thing?  For handling all the fiddly things
> like section breaks and bold text, etc, so I don't have to learn nroff itself.

Well, nroff is a full-featured document formatting system, so it can be used
for many other things besides man pages.  Man pages use a specific set of nroff
macros to get the traditional formatting, but (as far as I know), there is no
formal syntactical description for these macros, as there is with SGML DTDs.
So while a competent editor could appropriately syntax-highlight nroff as a
language, it probably couldn't know whether you're writing a syntactically
correct man page.  In other words, there are 'nroff-aware' editors, but no
'man-aware' editors (that I know of).  However, the two are not entirely

You don't really have to learn all of nroff; reading some example man pages and
referring to man(7) and/or groff_man(7) should be sufficient.  But if you're
comfortable with SGML, do that.

Also, your messages seem to be going out with a bogus 'Sender: ' address.

 - mdz

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