On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 12:58:02PM +0100, Peter Palfrader wrote:
> Hi!
> On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, Christian Kurz wrote:
> > Are you sure that grafix1 and grafix-dev do not have any files in
> > common? If yes, your suggestion would be alright.
> yes, fine :)
> > > Will "apt-get upgrade" work if the new package only has
> > > | Replaces: foo
> > > | Conflicts: foo
> > > ioe, will it pick up the new package automatically if the old
> > > one was installed? (it didn't for me although I might have
> > > screwed up)
> > 
> > Hm, why do you ask me such a question via this mail, when you can get a
> > faster and better answer via IRC, where some other people can help too?
> I'll ask on -mentors now [x-post & fup2]
> We have an old package "grafix" which should be replaced by "grafix1".
> What is the correct way to do this?
> If I simply add the new grafix1 package with
> Package: grafix1
> Replaces: grafix
> Conflicts: grafix
> then apt-get install grafix1 will work just fine (i.e. remove grafix),
> however apt-get (dist-)upgrade will not realize there's a new version
> under a different name.
> The only solution I could come up with currently is to make a new
> "grafix" package also (with no content, only meta information) that
> would depend on the "grafix1" package, so upon upgrade the new
> grafix package would require grafix1 and since this conflicts with
> grafix itself, grafix will be removed and grafix1 installed.

I used a Provides: statement to solve a similar problem cropping up in
dselect on my system. What if you add
Provides: grafix
to your package, and see if that works.
I'm not sure about having a new package providing an older, obsoleted
package and then removing the Provides in dist+1 or dist+2 though.
Would be nice to know if it would solve your immediate problem with
apt-get [dist-]upgrade.

> This is however an ugly solution in Shorty's and my opinion, so
> I'ld like to know wheter there is a better solution.
> If not, how long should this fake package be kept around?

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